Patricia Maeyaert

Patricia Maeyaert (° 05-02-1968) graduated as candidate in law at the FUNDP Namur and obtained her diploma in law at the K.U.L. in Louvain in 1992.

She did practice as a lawyer-trainee in the lawfirm Racine & Vergels in Brussels.
Today she is a member of the Antwerp Bar and of the Malines Bar.

Since the beginning of her career she built up an expertise in the areas of insurance law, traffic law, civil liability. Together with Me. Johan De Wit she is in charge of the Insurance department within the association.

Languages : Dutch (native), French (active), English (active), German (notion)

Coordinates :

Justitiestraat 26
2018 Antwerp
(Antwerp office)

Klaterstraat 76
2830 Blaasveld
(Malines office)

Tel. : +32 3 203 40 00 (Antw.)
Tel. : +32 3 888 33 79 (Mech.)
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